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2024Ord TJ, Surovic EA, Vaz DFB & Irisarri I. Abiotic factors that prompt major ecological transitions: are fish on land to escape an intolerable aquatic environment? Functional Ecology. 00:1-17 PDFDryad data repository
2023Campbell NE & Ord TJ. Wild kangaroos become more social when caring for young and may maintain long-term affiliations with popular individuals. Animal Behaviour. 205:183-195PDFDryad data repository
2023Ord TJ. Drought-induced relocation of ant colonies and its consequences for the long-term spatial ecology of a population under stress. Functional Ecology. 37:2231-2245.PDFDryad data repository
2023Ord TJ, Diesmos A, Ahmad, N & Das I. Evolutionary loss of complexity in animal signals: cause and consequence. Evolution 77:660-669.PDFDryad data repository
2022Iglesias-Carrasco M, Medina I & Ord TJ. Global effects of forest modification on herpetofauna communities. Conservation Biology 37: e13998.PDF 
2022Summers TC & Ord TJ. Signal detection shapes ornament allometry in functionally convergent Caribbean Anolis and Southeast Asian Draco lizards. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 35: 1508-1523.PDFDryad data repository
2022Nelson CMV, Sherwin WB & Ord TJ. Why does the complexity of functionally equivalent signals vary across closely related species? Behavioral Ecology 33: 926-36.PDFDryad data repository
2022Summers TC & Ord TJ. Female preference for super-sized male ornaments and its implications for the evolution of ornament allometry. Evolutionary Ecology 36: 701-716.PDFDryad data repository
2022Nelson CMV & Ord TJ. Identifying potential cues of species identity in complex animal signals. Animal Behaviour 186: 121-136.PDFDryad data repository
2022Summers TC & Ord TJ. The stabilising impact of natural selection on the allometry of sexual ornaments: fish that escape locomotor constraints exhibit extravagant ornamentation. Functional Ecology 36: 500-511.PDFDryad data repository
2022Iglesias-Carrasco M, Cabido C & Ord TJ. Natural toxins leached from Eucalyptus globulus plantations affect the development and life history of anuran tadpoles. Freshwater Biology 67: 378-388.PDF 
2021Ord TJ. Costs of territoriality: a review of hypotheses, meta-analysis and field study. Oecologia 197: 615-631.PDFDryad data repository
2021Ord TJ, Blazek K, White TE & Das I. Conspicuous animal signals can avoid the cost of predation by being intermittent or novel: confirmation in the wild using hundreds of robotic prey. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 288: 20210706.PDFDryad data repository
2021Ord TJ, Klomp DA, Summers TC, Diesmos A, Ahmad N & Das I. Deep-time convergent evolution in animal communication presented by shared adaptations for coping with 'noise' in lizards and other animals. Ecology Letters 24: 1750-1761.PDFDryad data repository
2020Ord TJ & Hundt PJ. Crossing extreme habitat boundaries: Jack-of-all-trades faciliates invasion but is eroded by adaptation to a master-of-one. Functional Ecology 34: 1404-1415.PDFDryad data repository
2020Ord TJ, Garcia-Porta J, Querejeta M & Collar DC. Gliding dragons and flying squirrels: diversifying versus stabilizing selection on morphology following the evolution of an innovation. American Naturalist 195: E51-E66.PDFDryad data repository
2018Medina I, Cooke GM & Ord TJ. Walk, swim, or fly? Locomotor mode predicts genetic differentiation in vertebrates. Ecology Letters 21: 638-645.PDF 
2017Ord TJ & Stamps JA. Why does the rate of signal production in ectotherms vary with temperature? Behavioral Ecology 28: 1272-1282.PDFDryad data repository
2017Ord TJ, Emblen J, Hagman M, Shofner R & Unruh S. Manipulation of habitat isolation and area implicates deterministic factors and limited neutrality in community assembly. Ecology and Evolution 7: 5845-5860.PDFDryad data repository
2017Ord TJ, Summers TC, Noble MM & Fulton CJ. Ecological release from aquatic predation is associated with the emergence of marine blenny fishes onto land. American Naturalist 189: 570-579.PDFDryad data repository
2017Klomp DA, Stuart-Fox D, Das I & Ord TJ. Gliding lizards use the position of the sun to enhance social display. Biology Letters 13: 20160979.PDFDryad data repository
2017Klomp DA, Stuart-Fox D, Cassidy EJ, Ahmad N & Ord TJ . Color pattern facilitates species recognition but not signal detection: a field test using robots. Behavioral Ecology 28: 597-606.PDFDryad data repository
2016Tucker MA, Ord TJ & Rogers TL. Revisiting the cost of carnivory in mammals. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29: 2181-2190.PDFDryad data repository
2016Ord TJ & Cooke GM. Repeated evolution of amphibious behavior in fish and its implications for the colonisation of novel environments. Evolution 70: 1747-1759.PDFDryad data repository
2016Hagman M & Ord TJ. Many paths to a common destination: morphological differentiation of a functionally convergent visual signal. American Naturalist 188: 306-318.PDFDryad data repository
2016Klomp DA, Ord TJ, Das I, Diesmos A, Ahmad N & Stuart-Fox D. Ornament size and colour as alternative strategies for effective communication in gliding lizards. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29: 1689-1700.PDFDryad data repository
2016Cooke GM, Schlub TE, Sherwin WB & Ord TJ. Understanding the spatial scale of genetic connectivity at sea: unique insights from a land fish and a meta-analysis. PLoS One 11: e0150991.PDFDryad data repository
2016Platt ERM, Fowler AM & Ord TJ. Land colonisation by fish is associated with predictable changes in life history. Oecologia 181: 769-781.PDFDryad data repository
2016Ord TJ, Charles GK, Palmer M & Stamps JA. Plasticity in social communication and its implications for the colonization of novel habitats. Behavioral Ecology 27: 341-351.PDFDryad data repository
2015Platt ERM & Ord TJ. Population variation in the life history of a land fish, Alticus arnoldorum, and the effects of predation and density. PLoS One 10: e0137244.PDFDryad data repository
2015Ord TJ, Klomp DA, Garcia-Porta J & Hagman M. Repeated evolution of exaggerated dewlaps and other throat morphology in lizards. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28: 1948-1964.PDFDryad data repository
2015Clark DL, Macedonia JM, Rowe JW, Stuart MA, Kemp DJ & Ord TJ. Evolution of displays in Galapagos lava lizards: comparative analyses of signallers and robot playbacks to receivers. Animal Behaviour 109: 33-44.PDF 
2015Ord TJ & Summers TC. Repeated evolution and the impact of evolutionary history on adaptation. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15: 137.PDF 
2014Klomp DA, Stuart-Fox D, Das I, & Ord TJ. Marked colour divergence in the gliding membranes of a tropical lizard mirrors population differences in the colour of fall leaves. Biology Letters 10: 20140776.PDF 
2014Ord TJ & Klomp DA. Habitat partitioning and morphological differentiation: the Southeast Asian Draco and Caribbean Anolis lizards compared. Oecologia 175: 651-666.PDFDryad data repository
2014Morgans CL, Cooke GM & Ord TJ. How populations differentiate despite gene flow: sexual and natural selection drive phenotypic divergence within a land fish, the Pacific leaping blenny. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 97.PDFDryad data repository
2014Tucker MA, Ord TJ & Rogers TL. Evolutionary predictors of mammalian home range size: body size, diet and the environment. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23: 1105-1114.PDF 
2013Morgans CL & Ord TJ. Natural selection in novel environments: predation selects for background matching in the body colour of a land fish. Animal Behaviour 86: 1241-1249.PDFDryad data repository
2013Garcia-Porta J & Ord TJ. Key innovations and island colonization as engines of evolutionary diversification: a comparative test with the Australasian diplodactyloid gekkotans. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 2662-2680.PDFDryad data repository
2013Ord TJ, Collar DC & Sanger TJ. The biomechanical basis of evolutionary change in a territorial display. Functional Ecology 27: 1186-1200.PDFDryad data repository
2013Ord TJ, Stamps JA & Losos JB. Convergent evolution in the territorial communication of a classic adaptive radiation: Caribbean Anolis lizards. Animal Behaviour. 85: 1415-1426.PDFDryad data repository
2012Ord TJ. Historical contingency and behavioural divergence in territorial Anolis lizards. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 25: 2047-2055.PDFDryad data repository
2012Mowles SL & Ord TJ. Repetitive signals and mate choice: insights from contest theory. Animal Behaviour. 84: 295-304.PDF 
2012Freeberg TM, Ord TJ & Dunber RIM. The social network and communicative complexity: preface to theme issue. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 316: 1782-1784.PDF 
2012Ord TJ & Garcia-Porta J. Is sociality required for the evolution of communicative complexity? Evidence weighed against alternative hypotheses in diverse taxonomic groups. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 316: 1811-1828.PDFDryad data repository
2012Freeberg TM, Dunber RIM & Ord TJ. Social complexity as a proximate and ultimate factor in communication complexity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 316: 1785-1801.PDF 
2012Ord TJ. Receiver perception predicts species divergence in long-range communication. Animal Behaviour. 83: 3-10PDFDryad data repository
2012Charles GK & Ord TJ. Factors leading to the evolution and maintenance of a male ornament in territorial species. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology. 66: 231-239.PDFDryad data repository
2011Ord TJ & Hsieh ST. A highly social, land-dwelling fish defends territories in a constantly fluctuating environment. Ethology. 117: 918-927.PDFDryad data repository
2011Ord TJ, King L & Young AR. Contrasting theory with the empirical data of species recognition. Evolution. 65: 2572-2591.PDFDryad data repository
2011Ord TJ, Charles GK & Hofer RK. The evolution of alternative adaptive strategies for effective communication in noisy environments. American Naturalist 177: 54-64.PDFDryad data repository
2010Clucas B, Ord TJ & Owings DH. Fossils and phylogeny uncover the evolutionary history of a unique antipredator behaviour. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 2197-2211.PDFappendix
2010Ord TJ, Stamps JA & Losos JB. Adaptation and plasticity of animal communication in fluctuating environments. Evolution 64: 3134-3148.PDFDryad data repository
2009Ord TJ & Stamps JA. Species identity cues in animal communication. American Naturalist 174:585-593PDFappendix
2008Ord TJ & Stamps JA. Alert signals enhance animal communication in 'noisy' environments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105: 18830-18835.PDFappendix
2008Ord TJ. Dawn and dusk 'chorus' in visually communicating Jamaican anole lizards. American Naturalist 172: 585-592.PDF 
2007Ord TJ, Peters RA, Clucas B & Stamps JA. Lizards speed up visual displays in noisy motion habitats. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 274: 1057-1062.PDF 
2006Ord TJ & Martins EP. Tracing the origins of signal diversity in anole lizards: phylogenetic approaches to inferring the evolution of complex behaviour. Animal Behaviour 71: 1411-1429.PDF 
2006Ord TJ & Stuart-Fox DM. Ornament evolution in dragon lizards: multiple gains and widespread losses reveal a complex history of evolutionary change. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19: 797-808.PDFappendix
2006Martins EP, Ord TJ, Slaven J, Wright JA & Housworth EA. Individual, sex, seasonal and temporal variation in the amount of sagebrush lizard chemical deposits. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32: 881-893.PDF 
2005Martins EP, Ord TJ & Davenport SW. Combining motions into complex displays: playbacks with a robotic lizard. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 58: 351-360.PDF 
2005Ord TJ, Martins EP, Thakur S, Mane KK & Borner K. Trends in animal behaviour research (1968-2002): ethoinformatics and the mining of library databases. Animal Behaviour 69: 1399-1413.PDF 
2004Stuart-Fox DM & Ord TJ. Sexual selection, natural selection and the evolution of dimorphic coloration and ornamentation in agamid lizards. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 271: 2249-2255.PDFappendix
2003Ord TJ & Evans CS. Display rate and opponent assessment in the Jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus): an experimental analysis. Behaviour 140: 1495-1508.PDF 
2003Peters RA & Ord TJ. Display response of the Jacky dragon, Amphibolurus muricatus (Lacertilia: Agamidae), to intruders: a semi-Markovian process. Austral Ecology 28: 499-506.PDF 
2002Ord TJ, Blumstein DT & Evans CS. Ecology and signal evolution in lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 77: 127-148.PDF 
2002Ord TJ & Evans CS. Interactive video playback and opponent assessment in lizards. Behavioural Processes 59: 55-65.PDF 
2002Ord TJ, Peters RA, Evans CS & Taylor AJ. Digital video playback and visual communication in lizards. Animal Behaviour 63: 879-890.PDF 
2002Ord TJ & Blumstein DT. Size constraints and the evolution of display complexity: why do large lizards have simple displays? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 76: 145-161.PDF 
2001Ord TJ, Blumstein DT & Evans CS. Intrasexual selection predicts the evolution of signal complexity in lizards. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 268: 737-744.PDFappendix
2001Ord TJ & Dangerfield JM. Implications of paradoxomatid millipede density and dispersion for faecal pellet production in Eucalyptus woodland of eastern Australia. General and Applied Entomology 30: 1-10.PDF 
1999Ord TJ, Evans CS & Cooper DW. The nocturnal behaviour of the Parma wallaby, Macropus parma (Marsupialia: Macropodoidea). Australian Journal of Zoology 47: 155-167.PDF 


Book Chapters


2014Ord TJ. Evolutionary history of behavior. In: Animal Behavior: How and Why Animals Do the Things They Do. Vol 2: Function and Evolution of Behavior (ed Yasukawa K). Praeger.PDF
2010Ord TJ. Phylogeny. In: The Encyclopedia of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare (ed Mills D), pp 510-518. CAB International: Wallingford, UK.[pdf not available]
2010Ord TJ. Phylogeny and the evolution of communication. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (eds Breed M & Moore J), pp 652-660. Academic Press: Oxford.PDF
2010Ord TJ & Martins EP. The evolution of behavior: phylogeny and the origin of present-day diversity. In: Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology (eds Westneat DF & Fox CW), pp 108-128. Oxford University Press: New York NY.PDF
2004Ord TJ & Martins EP. Behavioral phylogeny: the evolutionary origins of behavior. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (ed Bekoff M), vol 1, pp 87-92. Greenwood Press: Westport CT.PDF